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Principles for choosing base oil

2021-11-09 940

1. Necessity

Choosing the type of base oil according to the specification requirements of the blended synthetic oil, whether it is paraffin base or naphthenic base oil, or the blending of class II base oil; For the same type of base oil, whether to use standard base oil or base oil with higher or lower performance to meet its main basic performance.

2. Possibility

After determining the best base oil components according to the performance of finished products, we should consider their possibility, that is, whether these components can be obtained. If not, we should consider the alternative scheme. For example, when adjusting SAE40 grade internal combustion engine oil, it is best to use 650sn, but there was no 6505n at that time, and the user urgently needed it, so there are two options: one is to add high viscosity components (150BS, synthetic oil and light deoiling) to 500SN; Secondly, 500SN is added with tackifier (t603, OCP, etc.). Obviously, each scheme has three options, which must meet the basic requirements of pool products.

3. Economy

If there are several schemes that can meet the oil requirements, their economy should be compared to reduce the cost. It can be seen from the previous example that if the ordinary 40 engine oil is adjusted and the 650snl00% scheme is added, a total of 7 schemes may meet the oil requirements. After comparing their economy, the base oil can be determined.

4. Flexibility

When some conventional oil products do not need base oil temporarily, or unconventional oil products need special base oil, or the user puts forward temporary or high or low product property requirements, the flexibility of base oil can be considered, but this flexibility must meet the user's requirements and reach an agreement index with the user. It must not be "flexible" to use asphalt or extracted oil without the user's approval Feed oil to adjust viscosity.

5. Pay attention to the principle of adjacent components

When ***ing base oil, if one component fails to meet the requirements, two components need to be mixed. During ***ion, adjacent components are generally ***ed for adjustment, so that the component properties cannot differ too much and the fraction is too wide, so as to meet the requirements of base oil components. However, exceptions can be made according to the requirements of oil properties. For example, in order to increase the oiliness of oil, interval high viscosity components such as 150BS can be used; For another example, in order to meet the low-temperature performance requirements of oil products, interval low viscosity and low pour point components such as 25# transformer oil can be used when adjusting multi-level oil.

6. Pay attention to the actual quality

When ***ing base oil, we must pay attention to the actual quality, and do not rely on experience or one-sided trust in the brand, especially when the current oil market is chaotic. First, when purchasing base oil from the manufacturer, it is necessary to ask about the actual quality and oil technology; The second is to conduct actual measurement after entering the plant and judge the base oil scheme according to the measured quality.